Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy – Universität Innsbruck
Jan 13, 2023 · CCB - Centrum für Chemie und Biomedizin Innrain 80-82. Josef-Möller-Haus Innrain 52c. A-6020 Innsbruck Tel.: +43 512 507 30200 E-Mail: dekanat …
Faculty of Business and Management – Universität Innsbruck
Studying at our Faculty of Business and Managementwill enable you to deal responsibly with complex socio-economic issues. As part of the Leopold Franzens University of Innsbruck, we …
University of Innsbruck – Universität Innsbruck
Building bridges to the future ..... since 1669! Founded over 350 years ago, the University of Innsbruck today is the most important research and educational institution in western Austria, …
University of Innsbruck - Universität Innsbruck
The Leopold-Franzens-University of Innsbruck. The University of Innsbruck sees its central tasks in research and development as well as in teaching and continuing education.
Essen am Campus - Universität Innsbruck
keine Suchvorschläge Wenn automatische Suchvorschläge verfügbar sind, verwenden Sie die Auf- und Abwärtspfeile zum Überprüfen und die Eingabetaste zum Auswählen. Benutzer von …
VPN - Universität Innsbruck
vpn.html.de - vpn.html.de VPN. Mit einem VPN-Zugang (Virtual Private Network) können Sie auch außerhalb des Uni-Datennetzes auf Uni-beschränkte Dienste wie z.B. lokale Intranet …
Institut für Psychologie - Universität Innsbruck
Aktuelles. 12.12.2024: Antrittsvorlesungen Univ.-Prof. Dr. Severin Hornung und Univ.-Prof. Dr. Matthias Gondan-Rochon. 15.03.2024: „Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship“ für Dr. Sofia …
Elisabeth Frank - Universität Innsbruck
Research and teaching interests. Intermediality and Transmediality Studies. Memory and Media Studies (Auto-)Biography, Life Writing. Literature in the Digital Age
Career Portal - Universität Innsbruck
The University of Innsbruck is a place of study, research and work for more than 33,000 people. As one of the largest employers in Tyrol, the University of Innsbruck offers a diverse and …
Study Programmes | Studying at the University of Innsbruck
Find out more about the degree programmes offered at the University of Innsbruck and choose from more than 160 programmes as well as practice-oriented optional packages.