Si celebra a Napoli martedì 25 febbraio il trigesimo della morte di Vittorio Emanuele Andreucci, medico nefrologo, accademico e caposcuola della disciplina noto in tutto il mondo.
«Questa notte ho dovuto congedarmi da voi. Da questa vita che ho molto amato e in cui molto mi sono dato. Mi dispiace per gli ...
Composer Diane Warren, nominated for the 16th time for an Oscar, along with legendary actress Jacqueline Bisset (who was the ...
La compositora Diane Warren, candidata por la 16ª vez al Oscar, junto a la legendaria actriz Jacqueline Bisset (quien fue ...
Obras sobre siluetas de madera en forma de pez el símbolo que los primeros cristianos usaban para reconocerse realizadas por ...
Judicial investigations, arrests, resignations, and finally the commission of inquiry. To say that the Municipality of ...
Works on wooden silhouettes in the shape of fish the symbol that early Christians used to recognize each other created by 52 ...
Investigaciones judiciales, arrestos, dimisiones y finalmente la comisión de acceso. Decir que el Ayuntamiento de Giugliano ...
Deterioration in the Quisisana woods, garbage mixed with vegetation turning a historic site into an open-air dump. The ...
Werke auf hölzernen Fischfiguren das Symbol, das die frühen Christen zur Erkennung nutzten geschaffen von 52 Künstlern, eine Fotoausstellung und die Ausstellung von Votivtafeln, die ...
Un réaménagement de la majorité pour gouverner les 28 prochains mois de mandat. Au centre se trouve le nouveau Parti démocratique, reconstitué après trois ans, qui dirigera l'actuelle ...
A reshuffling of the majority to govern the next 28 months of the mandate. At the center is the new Democratic Party, reconstituted after three years, which will lead the current coalition also ...