Chris Stott, founder of St. Petersburg’s Lonestar Data Holdings, relayed the news to the rest of the team on a video call. An ...
In an effort to send the best of Earthen artistry, the private space company Intuitive Machines succeeded in some ways — and ...
Imagine Dragons went down in history when their tune "Children of the Sky" was sent to the Moon first as music.
Chris Stott, founder of St. Petersburg’s Lonestar Data Holdings, relayed the news to the rest of the team on video call. An unmanned lunar lander named Athena, carrying the company’s 8 ...
Intuitive Machines' lunar lander tipped over again, but not before depositing an Imagine Dragons song on the moon.
Among the material on Athena's storage center, which is operated by the company Lonestar Data Holdings and acts as a backup for data on terra firma, is the band's 2023 single "Children Of The Sky." ...
A tipped lunar lander didn't mean a total loss, according to the companies that flew payloads to the moon last week.