Areas of Central and South Texas, including in the Austin and San Antonio regions, have felt substantial tremors lately. What ...
According to Newsweek, the 4.5 magnitude earthquake stuck just before 9:30 p.m. on Wednesday night. The center of the ...
A magnitude 4.5 earthquake rocked the US heartland, spreading shock waves that were felt 200 miles away from the epicenter.
The Karnes County earthquake was the third-strongest recorded in South Texas, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.
San Antonians experienced an earthquake Wednesday evening, according to the United States Geological Survey. The magnitude of ...
While small earthquakes are common in South Texas. This one is considered this one was a little bit stronger for Texas.  A 4.5 magnitude earthquake was ...
A 4.5 magnitude earthquake rattled San Antonio Wednesday night ... The county is in the heart of the Eagle Ford Shale, an ...
The earthquake was a magnitude 4.5, according to the USGS. It was centered in northern Karnes County, 45 miles from San Antonio.
Richard Kabzems and Sandra Burton stand outside their home a short distance from a gas well pad where they fear fracking operations could trigger damaging and potentially deadly earthquakes.
"There were earthquakes in Oklahoma before fracking, ma'am,” the onsite petroleum engineer replied. This is “absolutely true,” said Laura Capper, principal of the consulting firm ...