The Super Mario Bros. Movie aired on Fuji TV on Tuesday, December 31 at 7:00 p.m. and earned a 4.1% rating. The live-action film adaptation of Akumi Agitogi 's My Happy Marriage light novel series ...
There’s nothing new under the sun or under the marquee of your local multiplex theater, at least not where 2024’s highest-grossing box office numbers are concerned. Nine of the ten top earners ...
The magical Giant’s Causeway has astounded millions of tourists with its mystique and uniqueness, but long before it became easy or common for world travelers to journey to the Co Antrim UNESCO ...
Thanks to the wealth he accumulated with the telecom giant Shin Corp, Thaksin launched his political career and his family remained influential even during his years of exile after the coup that ...
The video, shot from the observation tower at Shark Valley by Everglades National Park tour guide Kelly Alvarez on Thanksgiving Day, shows the alligator, nicknamed "Godzilla," holding the dead ...
The EV and battery giant is the most prominent of Chinese automotive firms expanding abroad - plans that are increasingly threatened by thorny trade disputes between Beijing and the West.
We know that Godzilla might be a giant boss that roams around the Island, but most players don't seem to think that the lizard will become a follower upon slaying it. Whether you're a fan of ...
Ten people were injured when a toy display fell onto a crowd during a New Year’s Eve event in Massachusetts, fire officials said. The incident occurred during an indoor balloon drop at In The ...
But what is it about Shin that led him to rank #1 in the manga's Character Popularity Poll, over the protagonist himself? That is what this article seeks to explore. Shin grew up with psychic ...
So, recently, one Teacup Yorkie took it upon himself to face a big enemy and defend his sister's honor. When he saw that crab toy, he knew he had to do something, and he did: Zilla the Yorkie is never ...