Pacific migrants work about the same hours as Australians and other migrants but sit lower in the job hierarchy and earn less ...
The real problem with the abolition of USAID is its casual cruelty and tragic human consequences, says Bob McMullan.
Policymakers should note that wage fluctuations over two decades have been driven by productivity and the real exchange rate, ...
Using a survey experiment with a representative sample of over 5,000 respondents in Australia, we find substantial and contradictory misperceptions across the number, origins and labour market ...
Co-hosted by the Development Policy Centre and USP, Pacific Update is the premier forum for discussion of economic, social, political and environmental issues in the region.
The Australasian AID Conference is the premier regional forum for discussion of aid and international development. For updates, visit the Devpolicy ANU website.
Jemima Garrett has spent almost 40 years working to ensure that Pacific people have their voices heard in the media, says Kevin McQuillan.
Development Policy Centre warmly invites you to register for the monthly ANU-UPNG seminar series. This series are part of the partnership between the ANU, Crawford School of Public Policy and the UPNG ...
Once upon a time, the US was concerned that Europe wasn’t pulling its weight. Not, though, in connection with defence spending. The issue in those days was the US’s dominance in the field of ...