An unidentified man in his 70s was killed at a railroad crossing Friday afternoon, leading to extensive delays on Metra’s Milwaukee District North Line and Amtrak's Hiawatha service, which shares ...
Train traffic has been halted after a pedestrian was fatally struck by a freight train at the Lake Forest West Metra station ...
Trains on Metra's Milwaukee District North Line have been halted near Lake Forest after a freight train struck a pedestrian, ...
Metra’s trains on the Milwaukee District North Line are halted near Lake Forest and “extensive delays anticipated” after a freight train struck a pedestrian Friday, according to a Metra.
LAKE FOREST, Ill. (WLS) -- Metra said its Milwaukee District North trains were halted after a pedestrian was struck in the north suburbs. MDN inbound and outbound trains were halted, according to ...
Metra Milwaukee District North line trains are stopped near Lake Forest after a freight train struck a pedestrian on Friday. Metra confirmed inbound and outbound trains are halted near Lake Forest.