Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was stabbed multiple times by an intruder in his highrise apartment in Mumbai's Bandra around 2 ...
The 54-year-old sustained six stab wounds, including a major injury to the thoracic spinal cord due to a part of the knife ...
Saif Ali Khan was the victim of a burglary attempt, which he foiled, albeit sustaining six stab wounds in the process.
Safi Ali Khan was repeatedly stabbed with a knife by an intruder inside his 12th floor apartment in Bandra in the early hours ...
BOLLYWOOD star Saif Ali Khan (pic) was out of danger, police said, following stab injuries received in a scuffle with an ...
"Saif Ali Khan was admitted to the hospital at 2 am with alleged history of assault by some unknown person. He sustained a major injury to the thoracic spinal cord due to a lodged knife in the spine.