Blade Runner follows Deckard (Ford), a Blade Runner who must pursue and terminate four escaped Replicants who stole a ship in ...
Blade Runner and Alien director Ridley Scott is what people like me have instead of church. In Sir Ridley's movies, we trust. The prolific, award-winning English director is the man behind sci-fi ...
Denzel Washington earned widespread acclaim for his colorful supporting performance in director Ridley Scott's Gladiator II.
Ridley Scott once revealed some of his favourite horror movies, including classics like William Friedkin's 'The Exorcist' and ...
Director Ridley Scott threatened to walk away from his upcoming Bee Gees biopic after a disagreement with Paramount.
Six Oscar-contending directors come clean about the question of self-confidence, unnecessary multiple takes and what it’s ...
Ridley Scott's production company RSA is set to revisit the Battle of Mogadishu in a new Netflix documentary, "Surviving ...
Blade Runner director Ridley Scott has recalled a moment that saw those financing the 1982 sci-fi classic questioning the ...
Ridley Scott reveals when he plans on filming his next two movies, and his answer suggest he’ll be breaking a longtime career ...